
Chapter Details

If you would like more information on establishing a chapter, we encourage you to reach out to us by sending a message through our contact form. Additionally, you can find comprehensive details in the CCLL Membership Manual, which is available for access here.

Membership Dues

The membership fee structure for the Creative Careers Leadership Lab (CCLL) is designed to ensure that we can provide the necessary resources and support to foster excellence within our organization. The tiered fee structure is organized around two elements - a school affiliation fee and the number of students participating. The deadline for dues payments is October 1st of each academic year.

We strongly believe in investing in students as they are crucial to the success of CCLL and as such, the cost of school affiliation is determined on a sliding scale that takes into account the number of students participating. This ensures that schools of varying sizes can participate in CCLL. Eligibility for school affiliation extends to student groups ranging from 25 to 1,250 members.

It is important to note that the total cost of student affiliation is calculated using the formula: student fee + educational resources + school affiliation fee. By incorporating these components, we aim to provide a comprehensive set of resources to our members. We are excited to offer these valuable resources and are eager to collaborate with you in creating a brighter future for AME (Arts, Media, and Entertainment) students.